School picture day is November 7

Friday, December 14, 2018

Class members finishing up letters to author Patricia MacLachlan

We had a busy, busy day.  We started by finishing anything we might not be through with.

In reading we read silently, as well as worked on #6-10 SRA booklets.  

We continued working on our letters to Mrs. MacLachlan.  Some may bring them home  to go over with you.  Just check for spelling and punctuation.  I will go over them Monday, but want to get them off that day.

In math we reviewed subtraction across a zero. This is so hard for some.  But we went through each step together.

We also got some extra practice in for our Morning Wake-Up Monday.  I reminded them we would be on the stage at 7:30, ready to go!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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