School picture day is November 7

Monday, January 14, 2019

Students enjoy writing 'snowball sentences'

We had a great day today!  We started with some practice using our spelling words for the week.

We took our reading pretest, and listened to a story that came home tonight as their read aloud.  We also did a check-up on contractions.  And we started our snowball sentences.  These are sentences that use words with the same beginning sound.  There can be a word or two that has different beginning sound just so that the sentence can make sense, yet still be silly.  Here is the one we wrote as a class:

Ladybug laughed
Lucy Ladybug laughed.
Lucy Ladybug laughed loudly.
Lucy Ladybug laughed loudly, listening
Lucy Ladybug laughed loudly, listening to Larry. 
Lucy Ladybug laughed loudly, listening to Larry Ladybug.

They started on their own.  I can't wait to read them.

We introduced time today.  We made clocks with movable hands, and had the minutes pointing at each number.  For example: ":15" points at the three. We also added to our interactive math notebooks.  This took much longer than expected, so we will finish it tomorrow.

Have a great evening!

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