School picture day is November 7

Friday, February 1, 2019

Candy hearts into vinegar? Wonder what will happen? Stay tuned...

We had a fabulous Friday.  We started by finishing the hidden picture we started yesterday.

We took a reading quiz with comprehension, vocabulary, and open-ended questions.

We also looked for the missing letters in our spelling words. This not only helps with learning their spelling words, but makes them pay attention to detail.  Sometimes they get in a hurry and that makes them make careless mistakes.  This helps them realize that they need to pay close attention to their work.

We took our spelling test.  

We checked the candy hearts we put in the water yesterday.  Ask our child about what we found.  Today we put three candy hearts into vinegar.  We will check them Monday.

In math we worked with multiple skills.  We practiced some multiplication and time.  

Have a great weekend.

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