School picture day is November 7

Monday, February 4, 2019

Third graders work on reviews of books

It was nice to see almost everyone's sweet face today.  We still had a couple sick.

We had a great "Morning Wake-UP" this morning.  

We read a nonfiction passage that goes along with the story in our Wonders books.  It was about animals getting ready for winter.  Our reading assignment tonight is Grey Wolf, Red Fox

We did some more short reviews on books.  I have asked them to do 20.

We traced and wrote our spelling words for this week.  I will send home the lists tomorrow, as I forgot today.  I ran them, and totally forgot!  Here are the words in case you want to work with your child:

walrus, autumn, lawn, flawless, crawl, halls, talked, squawk, water, thoughtless, cherries, cities, inches, salt, taught, hauls, paused, drawing, bought, caused

In math we did a "Fraction Follow-Up."  They seem to understand the difference in the denominator and the numerator.  They also seem to understand that fractions are equal parts of a whole.  

We saw the results of dropping 3 candy hearts in the vinegar.  Today we dropped three candy hearts into Dr. Pepper.  We can't wait to see how it looks in the morning.  Dr. Pepper was the only one in which the candy hearts fizzed a little immediately.  They liked that.

Book orders are due this Wednesday.

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