School picture day is November 7

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Students work with point of view in writing

Today was a great day. The days are going by so quickly, it seems!

We started with some silent reading.  We have 5 children from our class that are n the top 10 in AR points of the entire third grade!  I am so proud of them.  They are Daisy (2), Khloe (3), Kayson (7), Abbi (8), and Joseph (9). They are all trying to earn the top spot!  

We revisited the true story about the Titanic yesterday.  It was written by a lady who was on it with her husband, son, maid, and nanny.  The son had a bear he named "Polar."  She wrote it from the bear's point of view.  So after that we started a story told from the point of view from an inanimate object, such as a football used in the Super Bowl, an ornament on a Christmas tree, or a yard gnome.  There were several choices that we came up with as a class, and some even chose one that wasn't on the list.

We also finished our George Washington booklets.

We went to computers for math.  We took the STAR test and got on IXL.  Once back in the room, we played SCOOT, using three digit addition cards.  Although, some were written as, "What is the sum of 199 and 98?"  Another had six different numbers on it and the directions said find the sum of the two largest numbers.  So many skills were practiced today.  They move from desk to desk to complete this activity.

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