School picture day is November 7

Friday, April 5, 2019

Testing is finally over!

To say that we are relieved that testing is over, would be an understatement!  Thank you for getting your child to school on time and with plenty of rest!

We did some sight word practice today, before finishing our last test.  Again, the kiddos tried their hardest, and took their time.  

We also finished Poetry Ringo.  If your child didn't finish, he or she had to bring it home, as no more class time will b used to finish.  They have had more than enough time to finish in class. They may find books at the library or online.  Again, if you go online, please look them up by poets' names for them.  Some of them write for adults as well as children, so some poems might not be appropriate.

I have to have the envelopes back for the class book.  If I don't have them all, no one can get  book.

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