School picture day is November 7

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Students work on study habits

We started our day by silent reading or finishing yesterday's math.  Math had many pieces so I didn't want to risk sending it home.  

In reading we reviewed and quizzed over chapters 3 and 4.  Tonight our reading assignment is chapter 5. They are loving this story.  So am I! We also worked with vocabulary from those chapters. We went over the quiz we took over chapter 1 and 2 yesterday.  We checked it together, so that they would have it to read over each night.  I am trying to help them with study habits, as they don't come natural to everyone.  I was one of those who had never had to study when I went to college.  I flunked my first test, and almost quit school. I don't want any of them to experience that.

In math we worked with coordinate pairs.  

We read about magnets in science.  This included some pictures and charts.  I love using different formats to find information!

Have a great evening!

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