School picture day is November 7

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Class shows real improvement since the beginning of the school year

What a day!  We are staying busy, and it is showing.  We are getting a lot accomplished.  It is so nice to see children who couldn't finish their work in the allotted time, get it done now.  And without complaint!  This class has improved so much!  Thank you, again, for allowing me to work with your child!

We started with a recycling activity for morning work.

We went over questions for chapters 3 and 4.  We also checked the vocabulary.  Today we read chapters 5 and 6.  We also answered questions and went over vocabulary.  We are to use these as study guides, as I mentioned yesterday.  

We worked with more word problems today.  These had more than two steps.  Many had three,and some had four.  I am trying to show them to take it a sentence at a time.  They need to know what is being asked.  Then they need to be able to break down the numbers involved.

We did spelling practice pages.  They were allowed to use colored pencils, and they enjoyed that.  

In science we finished our magnetism packet.

Tonight, your child needs to read chapter 7.

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