School picture day is November 7

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Students compare two nonfiction stories

We had a busy, busy day today.

Our college observer from ECU was here for the afternoon.  They love class visitors!

We compared our 2 nonfiction stories today, after reading Always Inventing.  This is a book about Thomas Alva Edison.  Your child should have brought it home to read aloud to you.  Then we took a quiz, but before we answered the questions, we found the text in the book that proved the answers.  Being able tot go back into a story to find information, is an important skill.

In math we made numbers by using the word forms or base ten models.  Then we compared them on our wipe-off manipulative.  

We are almost through with our read aloud.  Please ask your child to tell you what they remember about our story so far.  Retelling is another great skill.

Have a great evening!

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