School picture day is November 7

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Third graders now more confident about participating in class discussions

Third grade was busy today!  

We started with a place value picture, and I am happy to say we are doing much better with these.  The first several times, I had to guide and check them.  Today most were able to do these independently!

We did some silent reading today.  We also revisited nouns, but added common and proper into the mix.  We had a great lesson and discussion.  Getting children to give suggestions and participate in class discussion is a very important skill.  At first they find it difficult to participate, either due to shyness or just not sure how they should.  But today, I saw a breakthrough with several who have not participated before!  

We worked with Istation and making new numbers by either adding or subtracting 10 or 100.  Tomorrow if your child worked on Istation, he or she will work in a small group with me.

Have a great evening!

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