School picture day is November 7

Monday, October 7, 2019

Students work with main idea and theme in reading

We had a marvelous Monday in third grade today!

We started by doing some reading.  I also took some time talking to students who are missing assignments. Grades are due Wednesday, and anything not in will be a zero.

We worked with main idea today, as well as discussed theme.  The main idea has to do with the specific story, and the theme is the lesson to be learned.  There may be several stories about people helping one another.  Each will have its own main idea.  It could be a child helped another friend, another could be an adult helping a child, and another could be a group of people painted an elderly person's home. The theme would be that we need to help others when we can.

We had a great assembly this afternoon.  It was the fire clowns and they were funny, but had some great reminders for us.  Ask your child about this.

Our spelling words this week are: under, such, much, young, touch, use, your you, unit, cute, few, new, fuel, human, and music.

In math we worked in groups with star puzzles.  On each piece was a simple equation.  Each piece had to equal the same number.  

Picture day is Thursday!

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