School picture day is November 7

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

We Care comes to class to celebrate being at school on time 9 days out of 34

We had a busy Wednesday.  I did remember  Wednesday folders, though!  Before moving to Shawnee last year, I had Thursday folders for years!  So I still forget.

We had a We Care assembly to start our day.  Congratulations to Jayden, Adam, and Bailey for being recognized for being kind and making good decisions in the past month.  After the assembly, the We Care presenters came down and gave medals to our entire class, as we have had 9 days that we have all been here and on time!

We did Istation in math and reading today, so that we can have our October tests done.

We worked with our spelling words and put them in to the correct boxes.  We also found the spelling word that was misspelled in a group of two words.

We did have some time to work on our author study.  Each child should have brought home another Kevin Henkes book, along with his or her project paper.  they are to read these to you tonight.  Look at the questions that they have to answer.  Some are obvious, but some are tricky.  You may help them if they need it.

Have a wonderful Wednesday evening.

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