School picture day is November 7

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Class to decorate Christmas tree at Oklahoma History Center

We had a good day, and some terrific news!  A few weeks ago, I applied to have our class decorate a Christmas tree at the Oklahoma History Center in Oklahoma City.  Today I found out that we were accepted as a class that may go.  I will send more information when I have it! 

We worked more with idioms today, and they have another reading assignment tonight.  We made another book.  They are enjoying these sayings.  

We revisited adverbs, and discussed the difference between an adverb and an adjective.

We did dry erase math today.  I gave a problem, and each student worked it on his or her dry erase board.  They lined up where no one could see the answers when finished.  This was enjoyed by all!  It was also some great practice!

We concluded with our first Oklahoma magazine today but doing the crossword with words from the passages we read earlier in the newspaper.

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