School picture day is November 7

Monday, November 11, 2019

Third graders learn about idioms

We had a great day today, even though we had inside recess.  This cold certainly arrived!

We started with honing some small motor skills.  We played with Play-Doh.

Then we read a book that introduced 12 idioms to us.  Some they recognized.  But some were new to them.  We are working with figurative language this week.  This covers many things.  Today our focus was on idioms.  We use them all of the time.  One they didn't recognize was "monkey business."  It was fun going through these and figuring out their meaning.  Their reading assignment is the book we made.

We also worked with our spelling words.  

We graphed using M and M's today.  That is always fun.  We didn't just graph them.  We also made a tally chart.  We also had word problems to do using our individual set.  

Stay warm!  don't forget that book orders are due Thursday.

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