School picture day is November 7

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Third graders have fun with alliteration

We had a wonderful, successful day.

We started with subtraction, but with a twist.  We were treasure hunters.  We had to solve the problems.  By the answer was either N,E,S, or W.  So if the answer was 5 and there was a W by the answer space, we had to move 5 spaces west on our paper.  They had fun.  

We also continued our figurative language lessons with alliteration today.  Alliteration is used in tongue twisters.  In fact, a child made that observation as I was making up alliteration samples.  I get so excited when a child points out such things.  That is when you know he or she is "getting it."

We worked with plural nouns today, as well.

We worked with our spelling words today.  Their test is tomorrow.  They didn't have a test last week because I was gone.  I am picky about how my test is given.

We worked more with lines.  Today we added parallel and intersecting lines to our posters. They came home today.

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