School picture day is November 7

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Students begin working with money in math

We started with some small motor skills practice by drawing and coloring.

We did another word sort today, using the letters a,a,l,w,s and y.  They came up with a few words that didn't include all the letters, before being asked to make a word using them all.  I only had 2 groups that were able to do this.  

Then we reviewed chapters 1-3 in our book.  We answered a few questions and made observations.  Then we listened to chapters 4-6.  Tonight's reading assignment is chapter 6.

In math we worked with money.   We identified the four coins used and the dollar.  We drew them in our math notebooks.  We also wrote their names, values, and how many of each were needed to equal a dollar.  Then using the coins I handed out, we had to count different amounts, then compare each amount to a dollar.  This, too, was added in our math notebook.  we will do more of those tomorrow.

The note I was telling you about came home today.  If your child doesn't returned it filled out, he or she will not be able to go next Monday.  It is also important to know that if your child can't behave, he or she will not be allowed to go. If we get there and they become difficult, you will be called and expected to pick them up, if necessary. I think we will be fine, but I feel you need to be aware of these things.  

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