School picture day is November 7

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Class starts new chapter book

Well, it was great to be back in class.  I spent much of the break being sick.  I am still not at 100% but I am definitely better.

We started with some irregular plural practice.  

We started a chapter book today.  Christmas in Camelot is from "The Magic Treehouse" series.  We read chapters 1-3 and summarized each.  We started with a prologue, so we had a discussion about what a prologue is. We also worked with vocabulary words from the first three chapters.

We wrote our spelling words in alphabetical order.

In math we worked with lines, rays, and line segments. They seem to enjoy this, which is nice.  They learn much quicker when they are interested in the subject!

An important note will be coming home tomorrow.  It is about our decorating a Christmas tree next Monday.

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