School picture day is November 7

Monday, January 27, 2020

Computer time, learning games facilitate active learning for third graders

We started with an assembly in the cafeteria this morning.  Next Monday our class is in charge of the assembly.  It will start at 7:30.  Only those that want to participate will be on stage.  I will send notes home if your child is participating.

I listened to individuals read this morning.  I love doing that.  We also were able to get onto Chrome books for Istation.  I had half doing those, while I worked with the other half.  Then we switched before specials.

Everyone  has his or her spelling list.  I don't put them online anymore, as I have three different lists.  They had to write them according to the color chart.

We went to computers for Istation math.  

We also played language arts folder games.  We had games that practice multiple skills, such as alphabetic order, synonyms, antonyms, and suffixes.  They worked with a partner.  There were 6 different stations, and they almost finished them.  They will finish the rest in the morning.

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