We had a very productive day today!
Wednesday started with one of our multiplication
puzzles. I love these because they are self-checkable. They love
them because they are hard to mess up.
We read silently today. We also went over pronouns
again. We watched a couple of teacher-made videos (short), then I wrote a
word on the board. On the count of three they said noun or pronoun
aloud. Some are still having trouble deciding which is which. Then we
used our book, and listed all the pronouns we could find.
We worked for a few minutes on multiplication, before going
to a money review. This time we not only needed to know the amount of
money, but we had to compare them.
Keep an eye on the weather!
I would appreciate special thoughts/prayers for the families
in Moore. I used to teach there, and personally knew one of the young
girls that was hit. I also taught with her mother. She has several
broken bones, but she will heal.
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