School picture day is November 7

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Class has Zoom visit from representatives of First United Bank

Representatives of First United Bank of Shawnee 

read the book Tightwad Todd to our class over Zoom this morning.


We had a wonderful Thursday, but I must apologize once again.  We were very busy at the end of the day, and I forgot to send home the fundraiser booklets.  Look for them Monday.

We started with three choices this morning. They could finish their trail mix recipe, finish yesterday's word problems, or read silently.

We did take our spelling test today, but I will only take grades if they did well. What a whirlwind the past few weeks have been!

We also did some valentine riddles today.  We worked with the theme and main idea again, as we have worked on it several times in the past. Today we did a practice page to see how well they retained it. When we discussed it, we pointed out how the theme is not as specific as the main idea.  The main idea is specific to a book or passage.  It will often include exact names and places.  The theme is more general.  It could just be one work, like "compassion." I saw several light bulbs come on when we pointed this out.

We were fortunate today to have a Zoom meeting with representatives from the First United Bank.  They read a book to them, and sent supplemental materials for us to use in the classroom.  They also gave a piggy bank to each child.  It is so important for children to learn the value of money at an early age.  I know I wish I had had lessons on it.  I have always been good at the spending aspect of money. It took many years into my adulthood to learn the saving part.

Be sure to look on Seesaw tomorrow for activities.  


Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Class celebrates 100 days of school

We had a great day, celebrating 100 days of school. One good thing about getting older is that it is easier to dress as if you are 100!

We started with some silent reading time today.

We were able to use our devices today.  I am trying to let them get more comfortable with them, and checking to see which ones have issues.  Some of the devices are older, so I want to make sure your child has one that works!

We played "Roll to 100" in small groups today.  it was great!  They had to roll 2 dice, add them together, then color the same number of squares on a 100 chart.  On each roll, they used a different color.  They predicted how many rolls it would take them, and then they counted when they were done to see how many it actually took.  

We did some word problems, as well.  They all required subtracting a number from 100.  

We read our book of the week again.  Then we took a quiz that I made up that had multiple skills. 

We didn't get to make our 100 Day trail mix, but we started the math.  I showed them all the items they had to choose from.  Then they had to make their own "recipe."  The requirements were that they had to add up to 100 and they couldn't have more than 20 of any given item.  

Fundraiser packets will come home tomorrow!


Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Third graders start 'All About Me' books -- and they'll need your help

We had a wonderful day!  This weather is so nice! You can tell the children are glad to be outside!

We started with some multiplication practice.  

We also played "I Have, Who Has" using multiplication facts.  

We were able to get some time on Istation.  Unfortunately, some of the Chrome books gave us trouble so not all were able to get on.  

We also started our "All About Me" booklets I bought earlier.  They brought them home, as they are supposed to do the first two pages with your help.  There is a place to put family members' names.  I wanted you to be able to help them with the spelling, as there are so many different spellings of names.

We worked on a thank you card for our class sponsor. In case you didn't know who it is, it is the First National Bank.  We so appreciate all they do for us!

We took advantage of the beautiful weather, and spent a few minutes reading silently outside. 

Monday, February 22, 2021

Third graders work with fractions

It was great seeing everyone today!  We started with doing some reading that required clues.  They had to draw objects after they figured out what they were.

We also did some fraction practice.  We made our own using red and pink construction paper,  Then we cut one of them, and glued them together.  Before gluing, we had cut out a given number of equal parts.  Then we figured out how much of our circle was red, and how much was pink.

We also got on our devices a little today.  We were unable to do anything but xtramath, and a little Seesaw.  We are going to use them again in the morning. I want them to see what they need to do if an assignment is returned to them.

We read a biographical book about Abe Lincoln. We discussed why it was a biography and not an autobiography.

We enjoyed decorating cookies, melting almond bark, and spreading the almond bark onto the big pretzel rods.

Wednesday will be the day we celebrate the 100th day of school. You can have your child make a shirt with 100 items on it,  if you like.  They may also dress as if they are 100.  Some didn't get the t-shirts because we were on quarantine.

Have a great evening!

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Announcements for the upcoming week

 This coming week is the last to bring money for the book vending machine.  Third graders can still bring Earth Day shirt money.

Your third grader should also bring a drink for tomorrow's Valentine celebration.  Also, a bottle of water, as all water filling stations will be closed until Shawnee lifts its boil ban.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Another day of virtual learning at home

We will continue with digital/distance learning tomorrow, Friday, February 19.

Stay safe and warm! 

Has your third grader been doing Xtramath assignments?

I checked my Xtramath and only two students have done their facts.  Please go to if you haven't.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Tuesday announcement from Mrs. Christian

We will do virtual learning Wednesday and Thursday.  Our Valentine's party will be on Friday.

Monday, February 15, 2021

 No school tomorrow (Tuesday), either virtual or in-person.

Use today to catch up

Today is virtual catch-up day. If there's something on Seesaw that your third grader has not completed, today's the day to make that happen.

Also, we will celebrate the 100th Day and Valentine's Day on Friday.

Friday, February 12, 2021

New books!


These books were accidentally sent to my house.  So we'll have new books when you return.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

A note from Mrs. Christian...

I hope you found today’s assignments enjoyable. I chose a couple that gave your child options.  Since it should have been our Valentine’s party day, I tried to keep it fun, but still educational.

Stay warm.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Another digital day coming up tomorrow

I hope you were able to do the online work on Seesaw.  I only assigned three items.  I have either graded all that was sent to me, or returned it to be corrected.

As you know by now, we will have another digital learning day tomorrow.  So I will assign three more assignments.  They will not show up until tomorrow.  

Stay warm. And let your child know we will have a Valentine party when we return next week!

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Students learn practical uses for math principles

I hope everyone is staying safe and warm.  As you know by now, we sent home devices just in case school is called tomorrow.  If it is canceled, please get on Seesaw at some point during the day.  Doing this will keep us from making up a snow day.

We started with math practice that contained several different skills.  We also made our own bar graphs. We made a horizontal one and a vertical one.  We used the same information so that they could see only the format changed, not the data.  We added these to our math notebooks. We also tried some 2 digit by 1 digit multiplication.  Again, we went over strategies to find the answer.  In one of the strategies, they saw how knowing the expanded form of a number could come in handy.  I know they sometimes think that they will never use some of the math they learn.  I love it when they realize there really is a reason!

We read our story chorally.  Then we read the reader's theater that a former student teacher and I wrote based on the book.  They enjoyed it.  I think we may have some budding actors/actresses. 

We also made penguin books. We discussed how we could arrange our informational pages so that our books would be the same.  They had wonderful ideas.  I figured the first suggestion would be alphabetical, but they came up with other great ideas.  They said we could put them in order by height, weight, and other ways.  I love it when they are thinking.  We did go with alphabetical  order because it would be easier when looking for a specific penguin.  

I look forward to seeing you at conferences.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Third graders start new book, work with prepositions

We had a great day, even with the freezing cold weather!

We started with our last multiplication puzzle,

We read our Cranberry Valentine book today.  Of course, it had some of the same characters.  It also introduced some new ones.  

We worked with prepositions today.  We compared them to bridges, as they connect two parts of a sentence.  Then we read some sentences and left out the prepositions to see how the sentence would sound without them. We also wrote a book of our own, and put the prepositions in bold print.

We developed a special spelling list for this week.  We will be taking the test on Thursday since there is no school on Friday.  We only have 8 words.  The students came up with the words themselves, then I picked 8 of them. Our list includes: valentine, chocolate, candy, hearts, February, Cupid, friends, love

In math we revisited and practiced subtracting across a zero. We also did a multiplication practice page.  

We started a new read aloud today!

Stay warm!

Friday, February 5, 2021

Students find patterns in multiplication problems

We had a wonderful day today!  We started with our next-to-the-last multiplication puzzle.  It was the 11 multiplication puzzle.  We wrote all of the facts from 1-12 on the white board.  Then we discussed the pattern(s) we saw.  They enjoy finding patterns, especially if it makes something easier!

We did some critical reading today.  The short passage we read covered comprehension, inference, and fluency skills.  There were a few questions that required some very deep thought.  We went through some strategies for finding the answers to questions that aren't answered directly in a passage/story. I enjoyed listening to them read aloud to me this week. 

Today we took our homonym poster we have been working on since the beginning of the year and transferred all of them to a larger poster, as we were running out of room.  Then we added even more.  Then they were able to choose one set, illustrate each, and write a sentence for each.  They whipped through that quickly.  By now they really understand what they are.  

We did some multiplication review with a variety of facts.

Of course, we took our spelling tests, and had our read and feed this afternoon.  I think they enjoyed this one even more, because they knew what to expect.  

Conference notes came home with your child today.  AIf you cannot make it to school, feel free to call me at your given time, and we will do a phone conference. 

Also the Friday behavior notes came home that we started a few weeks ago.  

Have a wonderful weekend.  I am excited, as I get to sit in on a writing seminar tomorrow morning.  Yes, it is virtual, but I am still excited.  There will be many authors giving it, as well as attending.  I don't know if you know, but I have one book published under my previous name, "Jacobs." But have several in the works.  Hoping to get more published!