We had a wonderful Wednesday morning. We have added doing Xtramath into our daily morning activities. It takes very little time, and is good practice.
We added some math vocabulary to our math notebooks. We also played "I Have, Who Has?" using our multiplication fact cards. We are trying to get under one minute from start to finish. Our best time today was 2 minutes and 13 seconds. We will practice more. Again, it is another game that is great practice and takes very little time.
The afternoon was a little rough. There were several issues during recess, apparently. Because when they came in there was a lot of tattling going on. Since I wasn't on duty, I couldn't do anything but talk to students. We did discuss that from now on they need to take it to the teacher on duty. If it isn't important enough to be told during recess, then it must not be worth tattling about.
So what I had planned wasn't going to work. So we took this opportunity to talk about feelings/emotions, and then write about them. We made a list of things that made us mad, and a list of things that made us happy.
There will be assignments on Seesaw for tomorrow. There will be three assignments. Your child may also get on spellingtraining.com.
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