School picture day is November 7

Monday, April 17, 2023

Third graders brush up on test-taking skills

We had a wonderful day today! We even enjoyed a motivational assembly this morning! I think we are all ready to "show what we know" on these tests. We literally worked with reading all day long, as our first test is over reading. We got on the practice test today on our devices. I wanted to make sure everyone knew how to maneuver the different tools. Of course, most did. Those who couldn't were shown by the others. 

We did a glyph today. This is another form of showing/reading information. There were questions, and depending upon how each student answered them, they drew their bookworm on a bookmarker.

I reminded the class how they needed to get plenty of rest tonight, and eat a good breakfast in the morning. I also reminded them that it was very important to be here on time. If a student comes in after we have started the test, he or she will not be able to come in to take his or hers. He or She would have to wait until make-up tests are given.

Have a great evening!

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