School picture day is November 7

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Third graders play bingo with fractions

We had a wonderful day today! We even had a college student who will be in our room for a few days. The children were very respectful and welcoming!

In math we reviewed math by playing "Match Your Fraction." Basically, it is bingo but with fractions. They have to be able to identify the fraction. To make the fraction we used the dice with smaller dice inside. The smaller number served as the numerator, and the larger number was the denominator. 

We worked on comprehension and locating information in a passage. We also compared two passages to answer given questions. 

We also made a Venn diagram using our T-chart from yesterday. We compared the two books, "Best Nerds Forever" and "Rabbit Stew." They did well with that. 

Tomorrow is our pancake lunch. Thursday is our field trip. Your child may bring his or her lunch, or the school will provide a sack lunch. They will not be able to purchase items from the snack bar.

Have a great evening with your family.

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