School picture day is November 7

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Students come up with multiple strategies to multiply 5s

We had a good day today. We worked more with the fives. We came up with multiple strategies. 

We also worked with specific sounds today. Some of it required listening to the words I said. 

I sent book orders home today, as well. They are due September 8. Also, you may order and pay online. Just go to You can look up our class by school or my name. 

Tomorrow we are wearing Shawnee shirts/colors to support our football players' first game of the year.

Please get connected on Seesaw, if you haven't.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Be sure to check your third grader's folder each day!

First off, I apologize for not posting yesterday. I went home after lunch, as I had been very sick the night before. I must have had food poisoning or something, as I am better today. 

Today, a letter with how to sign your child up for Seesaw came home with your child in his or her daily folder. Please make sure you see their folders each day. I think I may start putting a page for you to initial daily. That way I know you saw whatever is in the folder.

We worked more with multiplying by five and tally marks. Tally marks are a great tie-in to counting by fives. 

We also worked with long e words today. 

We had to take our Alpha Plus reading test today, as well. I know they have had to take a lot of tests, but I will use the data and be able to help your child so much better. 

Please remind your child to practice the flashcards we made.

Tomorrow is "Wear Your Favorite Team Shirt" day. Friday is the day we are wearing a Shawnee shirt.

Monday, August 28, 2023

Here are this week's spelling words

We had a busy Monday.

One thing we had to do was to take a pretest for a math curriculum called Alpha Plus. I had to reassure many that the questions were what they needed to know by the end of the year. I kept telling them to do their personal best.

We went over our new spelling words today. If your child didn't get home with his folder which has them, here they are for this week.
















I did not send a reading assignment for tonight. Many seemed extra tired, so I gave them the night off.

We did make flash cards for the fives. Please help your child practice these. We also did a place value check up.

We wrote in our writing notebooks today. We made a list of things that they have experienced. This will serve as a list when they say they have nothing to write about. At this age, it is easier to write about something they have truly done/experienced.

We are studying famous Oklahomans in social studies. 

Friday, August 25, 2023

Third graders take spelling and multiplication tests, receive writing notebooks

I had to be in Edmond yesterday at four to meet my daughter, and I left without putting in a post. I apologize.

We took our spelling test today. Some of us studied. But I will also look at grades, and some children may have modified lists. There is a great website to use for practicing spelling words, and it is fre! It is I highly recommend it. 

We took a quiz over the twos in multiplication but it wasn't timed. They were allowed to use the strategies we have gone over in class. Next week we will introduce the fives.  

We received our writing notebooks. We start with small notebooks, as the larger ones seem to overwhelm them in the beginning. We will be doing a lot of writing. You might have them practice writing old-fashioned letters to relatives or friends.

We played sight word Bingo. It was the first time playing this, so we didn't get to finish. Going over how it is done took a bit. 

Have a great weekend. Stay cool.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Today's learning agenda: sentence fragments, nouns, word sorts, multiplication stragegies

We had another great day! Unfortunately, the heat kept us inside at recess, but hopefully things will cool off soon.

We worked more with sentence fragments and nouns (common and proper). We also read with a buddy. 

We did a word sort, using letters. They worked in groups to find words using some of the letters provided. After they had found at least 10, they were challenged to find the word that used all 9 of the letters.

We worked more with multiplying by 2. We made an anchor chart as a class, showing different strategies and how multiplication works.

I will be sending home a note, asking for snack donations in the near future. They get hungry, and you can't learn if you are hungry!

Your child has his usernames and passwords for Xtramath, istation, and Prodigy in his daily folder. Those can be accessed at home. The class code in Prodigy is 1EBA1E2.

Have a great evening!

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Students participate in choral reading, discuss basic grammatical terms

We had a busy day today, but got a lot accomplished. 

We took our math Istation test today. We will watch for growth each month with our monthly tests. I look for improvement, not perfection.

We read our book chorally today, and discussed nouns, common and proper. We also talked about the subject and predicate of a sentence.

We worked with multiplying by twos and different strategies they can use to get the answer. 

We started Xtra math today, as well. 

We will be getting a new student tomorrow. 

Ask your child about the game we sometimes play at the end of the day. It is called "You can be in my club."

Have a great evening.