School picture day is November 7

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Students get lots of work done despite Halloween excitement


I could sure tell that Halloween is tonight. The students were so excited!

We did manage to get some work done, however. We did a money review. We had to fill in a book about money. We will work with three-dimensional shapes tomorrow.

We worked on multiple skills in reading, including context clues, vocabulary, and comprehension,

We did a writing lesson that doubles as an adjective lesson. We make a paper with 8 boxes. In each box I give a clue for something to draw. I started with "Draw a toy." I kept adding to the description until we got to the last box. They all ended up with the same item in the last box, which was my goal. I wanted them to understand how important description is in writing. I also wanted them to learn to pick out adjectives. 

Happy Trick or Treating tonight!


Monday, October 30, 2023

Students work more with making change, context clues

We had a great day, even with all of the excitement about Halloween being tomorrow.

We added our spelling words to  If your child didn't get home with his or her list, here it is:

  •  swimming
  •  swam
  •  getting
  •  coming
  •  came
  •  having
  •  doing 
  •  ended
  •  happened
  •  happening
  •  started
  •  joked
  •  received
  •  smiled
  •  smiling

We practiced making given amounts out of the fewest coins possible. They seem to be getting the hang of this.

We worked with context clues. They were really good at this. See if your child can explain it to you.

We also drew our second observation of Max. 

Have a great evening!

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Third graders read nonfiction

We had a wonderful day today! 

We did some reading of nonfiction, but they were short passages on cards I had all around the room. We worked in groups for this.

We also worked a little on money.

Our party was quite a success. They went home with full tummies!

Have fun at the school carnival tonight. I am unable to be there, as I am training some teachers tomorrow in OKC.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Thanks to parents who came out to watch today's program

We had quite the day! 

Our program went very well. Thank you for coming out and watching it.

We worked more with money today. We also went over how we can use our manipulatives and interactive notebooks we made to help us. I think some think it makes them look less smart if they use the tools we have, even though I tell them all the time that that is what smart people do!

We worked more with affixes today and took an assessment. 

We had practice this morning, before our afternoon performance! 

I am off to buy goodies for tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Class does extra rehearsal, watches science presentation

We had a very busy day today. We had an extra rehearsal this afternoon, as we watched a science presentation during specials today. 

We worked more with money, and made given amounts using the fewest coins possible. Please check with your child to see if they know coin values. Some still struggle. 

We also read our story again today, with me omitting given words and the class filling them in. 

My cashapp is $djam1962 if you haven't sent party money and would rather send it this way.  Thank you to all who have sent money.

Have a great evening.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Students continue to learn about money, read with friends, carve pumpkin

Don't forget to wear red tomorrow!

We had another busy day today.

We worked with money again. We also combined subjects by using laminated cards I have, to come up with the value of each spelling word. Each letter on the chart is assigned a coin. They not only had to know the value of each coin, but also had to be able to count all the coins.

We read with a friend today. We also did some silent reading. I am seeing some great improvements! Readers are leaders!

We carve our pumpkin today. We named him Max. We will keep him in a plastic container and watch him all year. In May he should be making new pumpkin plants.

Have a great evening.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Class starts working with money

We had a wonderful day today. 

We started working with money today. Most seemed to know the value of the coins. Some struggle with counting money. Please work with your child at home. 

We also did a review over skills already taught in reading.  

I bought a pumpkin for us to do our Pumpkin Jack project but we didn't get to it.

Hopefully, we will get to it tomorrow.

We also did some writing.

A note came home about Friday's party.

Have a great evening.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Class members do independent practice in math, reading

We had a great Friday. 

We enjoyed the Smencils and popcorn!

We also did the independent practice lesson in our math. They seemed to have done well,

We also completed the independent practice in the reading. I took this time to do some individual reading, as well.

We heard the story, "Pumpkin Jack." I will buy a pumpkin this weekend so that we can start the science part of this book.

We are enjoying our new student. I am so proud of the class.Each has been very helpful in making him feel welcomed. 

Have a wonderful weekend. Remember, next week is Red Ribbon week. Monday is "Sock it to Drugs," so we will wear crazy socks. That is also the week we start the bedlam food drive. 

Our fall parties are next Friday, as well. Please send 3-5 dollars, and I will take care of everything. If you would rather donate something, let me know. We can always use individual drinks, such as Capri Sun-type drinks.