School picture day is November 7

Monday, October 30, 2023

Students work more with making change, context clues

We had a great day, even with all of the excitement about Halloween being tomorrow.

We added our spelling words to  If your child didn't get home with his or her list, here it is:

  •  swimming
  •  swam
  •  getting
  •  coming
  •  came
  •  having
  •  doing 
  •  ended
  •  happened
  •  happening
  •  started
  •  joked
  •  received
  •  smiled
  •  smiling

We practiced making given amounts out of the fewest coins possible. They seem to be getting the hang of this.

We worked with context clues. They were really good at this. See if your child can explain it to you.

We also drew our second observation of Max. 

Have a great evening!

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