School picture day is November 7

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Students get lots of work done despite Halloween excitement


I could sure tell that Halloween is tonight. The students were so excited!

We did manage to get some work done, however. We did a money review. We had to fill in a book about money. We will work with three-dimensional shapes tomorrow.

We worked on multiple skills in reading, including context clues, vocabulary, and comprehension,

We did a writing lesson that doubles as an adjective lesson. We make a paper with 8 boxes. In each box I give a clue for something to draw. I started with "Draw a toy." I kept adding to the description until we got to the last box. They all ended up with the same item in the last box, which was my goal. I wanted them to understand how important description is in writing. I also wanted them to learn to pick out adjectives. 

Happy Trick or Treating tonight!


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