We enjoyed our fraction lesson today. It was actually independent work, but we did go over the instructions together, and I allowed time for questions before letting them work on their assignment. I also allowed them to use their math fraction bars.
We worked more with summarizing a nonfiction text. This is a hard concept. But we will work on this all year. You can have them retell you a story they have read or even something they have watched. Being able to retell a story is very important.
We played Sparkle today, as well. It took a long time to come up with winners. They must have studied, as many stayed up much longer than before.
We also started AR today. Here is how I do AR. It is NOT required, but I DO reward it. Anyone who has 100 points by the end of the year, will receive a special prize from me! I do NOT take grades on it, as it is not how it was intended.
I will send home reminders about Parent/Teacher conferences tomorrow.
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