School picture day is November 7

Monday, August 27, 2018

Third graders enjoy book scavenger hunt

We had a great start to our short week.  

We started with some silent reading for morning work.  

In reading we did a book scavenger hunt.  The students had to locate given things, such as the table of contents.  We also did our individual one minute reads.  I love listening to them read.  We also read The Dreamcatcher.  That is tonight's reading assignment.  Since we have two weeks in a row, we will work with this unit both weeks.  This includes our spelling lists.  I will give them their list tomorrow, and we will work with those words this week and next.

We started making a dream catcher today.  We will continue working on it tomorrow.

In math we continued to work with place value. We did more today with it, but worked more independently.  

Don't for get book orders are due this week.  I have received some already.  I am able to get several things for the classroom by using the book orders.

Have a great Monday evening!

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