School picture day is November 7

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

A full day and a variety of learning activities for third graders

We are working so hard every day.  We started with a school bus glyph today.  This is where directions have to be read and followed.  For example, one of the statements was, "If you ride to school in a car, color your bus yellow."  I like these because there are usually no two alike.  

In reading we worked with context clues and did some vocabulary review.  We also did our cold reads today.  Remember, this is the first time a passage is seen/read.  I time each student for one minute and figure out a percentage of correct words.  

We also wrote a "Super Sentence" today.  This is where we start with a basic sentence such as, "The pig ate."  We discuss the fact that this is a correct sentence, but if we read a book with sentences like this, we wouldn't enjoy it.  We then choose describing words (adjectives) and a where and a when (adverbs) to make one great sentence. They love writing only one sentence, but I tell them I am picky.  It has to be "Super!"

In math we did a shot place value review ad worked more with rounding.

In science we read about what plants need.  Then we discussed how humans and plants need some of the same things.  We filled in a chart to show this.  

Your child has homework tonight.  It is very short, but please go over it with them.  Rounding is giving us fits.  So I sent home a simple practice page.  

They children like having a secret word.  I told them it has to change daily, as they end up telling each other the word.  Today's word is popcorn.

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