School picture day is November 7

Friday, May 3, 2019

Several students meet AR goals today

We had a very successful day.  Several met their AR goal.  The last day for taking AR tests are Tuesday, May 14.

We finished our book.  It led to many good discussions.  The book had a great message, and the kids got it immediately.  

We alphabetized book titles today.  At first they were worried, but when I told them it was just like any other alphabetizing activity, they settled down.  They quickly finished, as well.

We did a grid puzzle in math.  They had to put the piece that said "C2" in the correct grid.  I had to show them a trick so that they didn't forget how to place the pieces.

We took our spelling test.

We also had time to play "You Can Be in My Club." Ask your child about this.  It is a very good game to practice thinking skills.

Have a great weekend and stay dry!

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