School picture day is November 7

Thursday, August 22, 2019

A busy day of learning for third graders

Our third day was another success.  I am enjoying your children!

We started by doing a Play-Doh build.  We used toothpicks and Play-Doh to make anything we wanted.  I had several great structures.  Then we drew them in our science notebooks.  

We also played an addition game today.  We rolled the dice, added the numbers together, and took that number of buttons.  At the end of ten minutes, the person with the most buttons won the game.  Then we compared the numbers on the board.  For example, in one group one child had 37 and the other had 44.  As a class we decided if 37 was less than, greater than, or equal to 44.  I wrote it on the board as 37<44.  We did this with each group's numbers.

Here are some photos of the children using math manipulatives in class.

We colored our owls for our "WE CARE" word this month, which is wisdom.  We talked about making wise choices, and how doing that keeps us out of trouble and makes us the best person we can be.

We finished our monsters today.  They turned out great!

Have a great evening with your family!

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