School picture day is November 7

Friday, January 17, 2020

Students show improvement at retelling and summarizing

We had a fabulous Friday!

We started with a review of fact and opinion. Then we went to computers for some Istation reading and practice.

In the room, we read chapters 3-6 of our book, then summarized what we read. Each time we do this, I can see improvement.  They are getting better about picking out the important parts to retell/summarize a story.

We made math tools today to help us on our multiplication chart.  I laminated their charts and they will keep them in their chair pockets.  We worked more with the products of two today.

We took our spelling test. Many didn't study.  Please help them to remember to study their words at home, in addition to our school work.  

Have a great weekend.  See everyone Tuesday!

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