School picture day is November 7

Friday, April 30, 2021

Third graders continue studying the rain forest

We had a fabulous Friday. We started by going onto

We did a multiplication activity on Seesaw, where they multiplied a number by 10 and by 100.  We also played I have, Who Has with the facts.  They were excited, as we were able to complete the facts in less than one minute! We also added the missing factor to a factor tree.  It is an introduction into division without saying it is.

We watched part of the Fern Gully and compared it to the rain forest books we read this week.  Monday we will make individual miniature rain forests. We will finish the movie.  

We also previewed the book fair that is in the library. I already started my pile.  Books are my weakness.  Well, books and shoes!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Third graders have fun learning new vocabulary

We had a very busy day today!

We started with some Poetry Ringo. They get so wrapped up into reading it, they don't want to go to the next activity/lesson.

We also worked more with multiplication fluency. We are playing games and doing some practice daily.  Their multiplication facts need to be worked on throughout the summer.  Even if they master them, they will forget them if they don't continue to practice. and Xtramath are great online resources. They are free!

We did some vocabulary practice using the words from our rainforest books.  I demonstrated the activity by filling in a graphic organizer made for vocabulary.  We used the word diversity.  They first had to choose a word and get it approved by me.  Then they had to look it up, write the definition, write a synonym for the word, write the sentence from the book that used it, and then write their own sentence using the word.

To explain diversity some more, we colored a page of butterflies, and each one had to be different.  There couldn't be two of the same kind.  Tomorrow we will only color butterflies 2 ways.  It will help them understand biodiversity more.  It is such a big word.  They enjoy big words.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Using 'cootie catchers' in third grade

We had a wonderful Wednesday!  We started our day by making a "cootie catcher" that had multiplication facts.  It included the hardest ones to memorize. 

In math we played a game I came up with to revisit the facts through the sixes.  They were in pairs again.  They also used two dice.  They took turns rolling and filling in a blank multiplication chart.  The first one to complete their chart was the winner.  If a group didn't finish in allotted time, each person just finished filling in his or her chart.  

We continued working on our critter cards.  We also did an activity where we were able to use our knowledge of guide words.  We were allowed to work in groups for this.  They also had to use their alphabetizing skills!

Tomorrow is the last day to bring book orders.  You also have until tomorrow to order online.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Third graders work on developing multiplication fluency

We had another busy day in third grade today.

We started with Poetry Ringo.  Our goal is to finish this week.

We worked with multiplication fluency.  We first played a game in pairs.  Each had 10 rolls.  They had to multiply the 2 dice. They had to then add up each product.  After the 10 rolls the person with the most won. We also took our daily multiplication quiz.  The percentages they make on these are not put in the grade book. The goal with these are to improve and become more fluent with their facts.

We worked with the dictionaries today, specifically with guide words.  They had to find a word then tell me the guide words.  We also read with a peer today.   We are enjoying our rainforest books. They had the option of bringing one home for an extra reading assignment.  It was OPTIONAL. 

We started work on our "Critter Cards."  Each student is going to choose one animal to research. They will be an animal from the rainforest.

I cannot believe there are only 13 days of school left!  I feel we just got started!

Monday, April 26, 2021

Third graders work on multiplication fluency, non-fiction texts about the rainforest, distinguishing fact and opinion

We had a busy Monday!  But it went very well.

We started by adding our quote and word of the week to our folders.  We also did our Xtramath and some practice.

We also worked on multiplication fluency.  Now that they know how to figure out the products, they need to get them committed to memory.  We played "I Have, Who Has" with some facts.  Ask them about this game.  Not only is it one of our favorites, but it helps them learn and retain their facts.

In reading we started reading more about the rainforests. We have several books we will be looking at this week.  This is a popular topic among the students. The reading assignment for tonight is minimum of 4 pages from the nonfiction text sent home.

We also revisited fact and opinion. Most did very well with this.  We also read short passages, then read statements written about each. We had to write true or false by the statements. 

Friday, April 23, 2021

Class fills compliment chart, works on word problems

We had a great day today in third grade.  I forgot to mention yesterday that our class filled up our compliment chart we started.  It had 26 sections, and every time we had a compliment as a class (for example, when we were walking in the hall quietly), we put up a sticker.  So I surprised them with a pizza snack and some silent reading time.  We were going to play a Titanic themed game to end up our week, but we will finish that Monday.

We worked on Istation reading today.  We also took our spelling tests. 

We did some more word problems. I imagine that when you read "word problems" you either smile or shutter.  Because most people either love or hate them.  Once we dissect them, they are easier.  Some involved some long division so we did those together.

We did our xtramath today, as well.  Please remind your child that he or she can get on this on the weekend, as well as, istation, and Prodigy. 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Third graders observe Earth Day

Haydan, Shelby, and Taydin sporting their Earth Day shirts

Today was a great day with my third graders!

We started with an Earth Day sheet. I loved seeing the shirts!

In math we discussed the Morse code and watched a short clip about how it was used. I told them this was the "texting" of long ago.  Then we did some mult-digit addition and subtraction review to crack our own code.  They loved it.  No one even complained about math, because they thought cracking a code was "cool."

We worked with phonetics and context clues using our spelling words.  Depending upon which list your child is on, there was also some rhyming review.  

We went on a fact-finding mission again today.  As we did Monday, using our Titanic books, we were in groups of no more than 4. Each group had a different passage of 3-5 paragraphs.  They read it silently, then aloud, and then I read it to them. Their job as a group was to come up with the important facts from what they read and write them on an oversized Post-It Note. We discussed how it was better to go to each paragraph in order to figure out the facts. That made it seem easier.  

I remembered to send home the book orders today.  This is the last one I will send for the year. They are due next Thursday, April 29.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Third graders coming to love poetry

We had a wonderful day in third grade!

We started with more Poetry Ringo this morning.  I love to see these boys and girls fall in love with poetry!  

We did some more word problems using information on a chart about the Titanic.  Today's problems were a lot harder so we went through each one together.

We popcorn read today.  Ask your child about this.  They enjoy this.  I love hearing them read aloud.  We took a quiz over the book we read.  

We also did some practice work with our spelling words.  Don't let your child forget we will resume spelling tests this Friday. 

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Today: Poetry Ringo, choral reading, word problems, story writing

We had a great day, even though we had indoor recess.  I cannot believe how cold it is!

We started with our Poetry Ringo project. 

Then we chorally read our book.  Afterwards, we were put into groups and each group was assigned a chapter to reread. Each group came up with a minimum of 3 important facts in the chapter they were assigned.  They wrote them on sticky notes and placed them on the given chapter on the board. We read them as a class, and some were kept and others had to be replaced.  

We wrote our words "ghost writer" style. 

We worked on word problems in math, with a Titanic theme.  We read each one together and decided what information we needed and what operation to use.

We wrote the beginning of a story we came up with as a class in our writers' notebooks. Their job is to finish the story in their own words.

Tomorrow I will be sending the last book order forms home for the year. I worry about sending them in May, as I worry they won't get back to us in time.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Class starts nonfiction unit on the Titanic

We had a great day.  We started by working on our Poetry Ringo project that we haven't been able to work on with testing. 

We started a Titanic unit.  Today we read a nonfiction about the Titanic.  That book is coming home tonight as our reading assignment. We also chose a passenger from the list and did some basic research.  We took this information and filled out boarding passes for each one.

We worked with rounding to the nearest 10 again today. We combined it with addition.  We first had to round the addends, then find the sum of the rounded numbers.

We were able to do our "What's in an Egg" activity. Some haven't brought theirs.  They may still bring them, but they will be counted as late.  This is for a language arts grade and a science grade. The goal was to write such good clues that the item was easily guessed by our classmates.

Spelling lists have been put on so they may work on those at home.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Class members work with STEM activities

We had a wonderful day!  We started by getting on Xtramath, as we haven't had time to do that this week.

Then we made large letters to spell "Good luck" for the 4th and 5th grade hall. They will test next week.

Then we spent our time exploring and building with my STEM bins!  

We also did jelly bean fractions!  Every single person did well!

Tomorrow is a virtual day.  Do the activities that have tomorrow's date.


Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Tests are over for the first group ever to take them online

We had another wonderful day in third grade today! I think everyone was thrilled to be done with the tests.  Again, they took their time!  I was so proud of them.  This is the first time third grade has ever taken their tests online.  

We were able to get in some silent reading time, and some brain/stem game time today!  Tomorrow is a day filled with STEM activities! 

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Students have another good testing day; bring home subtraction problems

We had another great day of testing.  They all took their time and did their best.

We did some math review today with time, shapes, and fractions.  

They also brought home a short homework assignment.  I gave them 6 subtraction problems.  If for some reason your child didn't get home with them, here they are:



















Now you may write them down if your child didn't bring his or her page home.

Thank you for getting your child here on time.  I can tell they are ready to go when they get here.