School picture day is November 7

Friday, January 13, 2023

Class takes first spelling test of 2023; most do well

We had a fabulous Friday! We took our first spelling test of 2023. Most did very well.

We also revisited our story and discussed its theme (teamwork).

We did some suffix practice with words, as well as reading sentences and marking a yes or a no box. It had them practicing fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary. Ex. Have robins nested in a wastebasket? They would check the box underneath no.

We worked more with perimeter. Today we used feet, rather than units. I am trying to stress the importance of labeling. I told them there was a big difference in inches and feet.

They had time to read silently today, as well.

We took our timed multiplication practice pages, also.

Have a great three-day weekend!

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