School picture day is November 7

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Students revisit math skills, do more work on rounding

We had another successful day. 

Yesterday our observing student from OBU taught a lesson on alliteration. One of her professors came to observe her. It went well. The class was very well-behaved, and did their hardest on the assignment. 

We also revisited several math skills, including regrouping in addition and subtraction.  Today we worked with rounding. Some are still struggling with that. 

We also read silently, and were able to take some AR tests, thanks to a hot spot that Mrs. Howard had. It seems like we have internet now, so we will see in the morning. Hopefully things are getting back to normal 

Many notes with lots of information came home in today's Wednesday's folders. Please look over everything closely.

We completed our book and I will send it tomorrow. So if you meant to order one, you may send it tomorrow. The UPS store by us is closed. But I found another place to take it, as I have to send it via UPS.

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