School picture day is November 7

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Tomorrow morning our class leads the school's morning meeting -- and you're welcome to come

We had a great day today. 

Thank you to all who have sent money for the party.

We worked with perimeter today. We learned a little tune. It goes like this:

Perimeter, Perimeter,

The distance around an object is perimeter.

I wrote it last year, and think there is more to it. I need to find the whole copy.

In reading we worked on this week's skills using chapters 7-9 of our book. They have been able to answer questions, retell, and point. out the parts of this book. I think it is because they enjoyed the story. It is a great story.

Tomorrow we are leading our school's morning meeting. It starts between 7:40 and 7:45 if you want to watch. The following students wanted to have speaking parts, and they do: Peyton, Hailey, Brylynn, Kendra, Joell, Deimos, Harper, Kayla, Aiyden, Oly, Annabelle, and Layla. We worked very hard on this. 

Have a great evening!

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Students enjoy Native American dancers

We had a very nice day today! We got to see some Native American dancing. We loved the dances and the regalia. 

A red top-secret note came home with your child today. Please read it.

And I wanted to remind you to go over your child's work he or she brings home. It helps to go over what is missed, as well as what is correct.

In math we took a short quiz on Alpha-Plus. Most did very well! We also reviewed angles, and that, too, went well. They seem to love geometry.

We worked more with characterization and story parts. (characters, beginning, ending, plot)

We worked on what we will be doing for the morning meeting this Friday. They had so many great ideas.

Don't forget that reindeer antlers will be on sale Friday morning in the cafeteria. 

Have a great evening.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Third graders work with vocabulary and literary parts of stories

We had another very successful day. We also enjoyed more of our book, Christmas in Camelot. They brought the book home again to read chapters 4-6. Please remind them to return the books even if they do not choose to read to an adult. We will use them daily until we are through with it. Since I am squeezing it in between all that is mandatory, it may take several days.

Today we worked with vocabulary, as well as literary parts of a story. We made up actions to help us remember the words and their meanings. We used bleak, turrets, surge, cloak, deserted (as in empty), and gnawing today. We used these in sentences and matched them to their definitions. We also reviewed chapters 1-3 and answered a few questions, as well as filled out a t-chart to compare what Jack and Annie expected from Camelot, and how they actually found it.

We did a review page in math, covering multiple skills we have covered thus far. 

We also read about soldiers we had in Oklahoma many years ago for social studies. 

For science we did our 5th observation of Max, the Pumpkin. He has a lot of mold on him right now. There was a lot of condensation in the jar today,

We also started on our program for the morning meeting Friday. We will be leading it this Friday, December 1. It starts at 7:45, if you want to watch it. Every child who wants a speaking part will get one.

Have a great evening.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Class studies elements of stories

We had a wonderful day! It was great seeing everyone. We had a lot of energy, but I needed the exercise of keeping up with all of them. I ate too well over the break.

We worked with characters, characterization, setting, plot, beginning, and end of stories. We read a passage together and answered a few questions. 

Later we started the book, Christmas in Camelot. It is such a great book. I have a class set of it, so we listened to the author read several chapters. They brought the book home to read tonight. They are supposed to read the first three chapters. You may take turns with them, if you like.

In math we continued working with three dimensional shapes. This time, we constructed them, using our one cubes of our Base 10 blocks. 

We filled another row on our compliment chart, so we were rewarded with an art project. We were able to get started on it.

We also went over some Oklahoma information in social studies. We identified the state bird, and connected dots to make it appear. 

We will be having a holiday party this month. I am asking that you send $5 to help with it. I have a lot planned. Each child will be coming home with a gift and some snacks. I have already purchased some gifts, as I found a few bargains. My Cash App is $djam1962, if you would rather donate that way. I appreciate any help you can give. 

Have a great evening.

Friday, November 17, 2023

More books and reading aloud -- third graders are enjoying reading!

We had another great day! They were full of energy and excitement!

We practiced multiplication in math. 

We read a new book, and it was a book they got to keep. They were given two books today to keep. We also watched the short video made about the book. Then we compared/contrasted the two.

We took our spelling test.

We also worked on our writing that should have been finished by today. Some didn't. 

We drew what we were thankful for. 

We also watched the fourth grade parade of balloons they made. Then we read the book, Balloons Over Broadway.

We also finished our read aloud, Seed. Ask your child about that. It was good. It was one from the Sequoyah list.

Have a great break with your family!

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Students enjoy learning about different angles

We made four different angles today. We made right angles, acute angles, obtuse angles, and straight angles. We also did a practice page to apply what we learned about angles. They loved this lesson. 

In reading we read a couple of short passages about Oklahoma and answered given questions.

We also worked on our Thanksgiving stories. 

In spelling we played Sparkle. They do love this game.

We did some silent reading, as well. Many have been taking AR tests. Remember: I reward it; I do not require it.

I hope to see you at Family Game Night tonight!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Students build three-dimensional shapes

In math we worked with building three-dimensional shapes. We were shown some and had to decide how many more cubes we needed to complete the shape. We also did an addition review page. We had to answer given problems and then shade in the ones that equaled 477.

In reading we did a vocabulary lesson. We also worked with a dictionary. They saw why it is important to be able to put things in alphabetical order.

We finished our spelling packets. So we will be playing Sparkle tomorrow. 

Have a great evening.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Students review skills in math and reading, participate in writing conferences with teacher

We had a wonderful day. 

We did an independent review on multiple skills we have covered in math. We also worked on our math graphs.

We also did a multiple skills review in reading. But we were also able to get some silent reading in. 

We read more in our read aloud and it is getting better daily. It was one that we didn't know if we would like in the beginning, but now we like it.

We also worked on our writing, and I was able to conference with a few students. Conferencing with each child consists of me reading their writings, then I ask questions so they will elaborate on their details. For example, a child might write, "We eat dinner as a family on Thanksgiving." I will ask questions such as:  Where do you eat it? What is served? Do you have a favorite? They are able to answer these questions, but they don't include this information in their writings until I ask. In our room we say,"If you think you are've only just begun!" 

Don't forget about Family Game Night on Thursday.

Have a great evening!